Friday, May 31, 2019
The Beast Within :: Creative Writing Essays
The Beast Within         The spawn knelt in the shadows of the corner. His iridescent eyessearching the dark for his prey. A prey he knew very well, almost too well.     From the end of the stone corridor the spawns ear picked out a singledisturbance. From behind the mask a objet darts verbalize twisted in a smile and a thoughtof satisfaction crossed his mind.         Rising to his feet the spawn walked defiantly down the corridor. Hisarmoured boots making no sound on the cold floor. A heart that beat no blood,pounded within the unnatural armour of the spawn. At last his mission wasdrawing to a close and so too would this endless torture. The one beingresponsible for his spawning would now ultimately reach its death.      The door was close now, and the spawns soulless eyes peered into the wayfrom the doors barred window. Standing over a bench stood a gentlemans gentleman. An old m an,gnarled with age and working on an intricate machine. To a mortal man the sightwould appear ludicrous. An old, befuddled man could hardly attract the attentionof such a powerful warrior. But to the spawns eyes, he only saw the truth.      He didnt see the lines of age which covered the mans face. Nor did he seethe disfigured spine which pushed the mans back into a painful composure. Buthe did see the beast within.      To the spawn, what stood in the other room had no dimensions, it glitteredwith a warriors sweat and had an evil which protruded off its hide likepoisonous spines. This creature had roamed the aeons sending multitudes ofinnocent children to nothingness in the beginning their time.         In ages past it was known as Ra, god of the sun, then it was known asXeues. Only a thousand years ago they called him a Dragon, and now, he was knownas a scientist. Figure heads for the world, able to control t he elements totheir wishes.      But today, it was time for the creature to end its cultivation of evil onearth. One man who the beast had killed had refused to die. By sheer power ofwill he had re-spawned to become the Spawn, and now, after centuries of silentfollowing had finally decided that enough was enough      the boot open the barred door the Spawn raised his hell blade in a warriorssalute and cried, Your time is up beast Never over again will you commit crimesagainst humanity With this sword I commit your body to the flames The spawns
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Anatomy Of A Psychopath :: essays papers
Anatomy Of A Psychopath In both mans heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.Almost every person has a preconception of the darkest form of humanity evil. One German film exemplifies this classic struggle of right and wrong, while addressing deeper emotional messages. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was do in 1919 and directed by Robert Weine. The film features a character named Francis, the protagonist, who seeks revenge against Dr. Caligari and his somnambulist, Cesar, whom he believes murdered his friend. In one specific scene, Cesar attempts to kill a pulchritudinous woman named Jane, Franciss fiance coincidentally, at Caligaris request. Judging by Cesars previously witnessed brutal and robotic nature, it is assumed that as he creeps up to her gentle sleeping body that her time has expired. Magically, he dealnot commit the deed. Overcome with affection, he instead lovingly reaches to cradle her head. She awakens, screams, and struggles. Cesa r snaps out of his funk and overtakes her, eventually escaping with her on his back. This intense scene conveys the message that even the darkest forms of evil are not completely devoid of humanity, giving the audience the faintest glimmer of hope that good can always shine through malevolence.Cesar has no mind of his own rather he is the puppet of the sinister Dr. Caligari. This is strikingly obvious just before the rape on Jane. As Cesar slinks down the corridor to the bedchamber his movements are awkward and unnatural, similar to puppets movements. At one point he even pauses, as if to mentally rethink the plan for murder Caligari has laid down. This attention to said murder agenda points that normal people can be highly subject to perform evil deeds. In essence, Cesar is not an evil person, but one who has been mentally dominated by the evil Caligari. One could play a contemporary television therapist and venture to state that Cesar is the victim in all of this. In fact, Ces ar the sleepwalking killer never existed before Caligari came into place. One can indeed also determine that evil spawns more evil.Kindness and humanity always find a way to shine through the depths of rage and hate. Poised in a striking position, primed to kill, something inside Cesar snaps. He is rendered momentarily immobile, unable to perform the deed he has been commanded.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Tragedies Of Shakespeare :: essays research papers
The Tragedies Of Shakespeare"Your noble son is sick           Mad call I it, for to define true madness,          What ist but to be nothing else but mad?"(Wells and Taylor, 665)     In Act two, scene two of William Shakespeares gambling small town, Poloniususes these words to inform Hamlets parents of their sons insanity. He thencontinues on, telling Gertrude and Claudius that the cause of this madness islovesickness everywhere his own young lady Ophelia (665). From the privilegedperspective of the audience, we know that Polonius is mistaken and that Hamletis far from insane, but rather, "playing mad" for a purpose of his own. Madnessin Shakespearean plays, and in tragedies in particular, is rarely what it seemson the surface. Instead, both madness and the characters experiencing it arelayered with meaning like an onion, layer after layer can be in the buff off, eventually allowing a glimpse at the core concealed within.     Shakespeares treatment of the character Hamlet is typically multi-faceted and complexHamlet appears insane, ostensibly all over Ophelia, however,his madness is feigneda cover for internal conflicts, rooted not in thwartedaffection, but rather in desire to avenge his fathers murder. Hamlet even goesso far as to say his apparent madness is an act when he says "I am but madnorth-north-west when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw"(667).     Shakespeare often used madness, either feigned or actual, as a teachingtool or vehicle to advance his plot. Sometimes this madness was feigned, asevidenced by Hamlet and Edgar (the legitimate son of Gloucester in The Tragedyof King Lear), but separate times it was genuine insanity. Ophelia and LadyMacBeth are obvious examples of Shakespearean characters that have slipped intomadnessOphelia due to the loss of all those dea r to her, and Lady MacBeth fromguilt over the part she played in King Duncans murder. In Hamlet, Opheliasmadness ultimately leads to her demise, and this, in turn, plays a part inHamlets willingness to engage in what will be his final battle. In this sense,it helps advance the play towards its climax.      age Lady MacBeths madness also leads to death, its focus is more onteaching than propelling the story to conclusion. While Lady MacBeth isinitially seen as a cold, conscienceless, calculating woman, intent onadvancing her husband politically (by any means necessary), her characterchanges as the play progresses. Early on in the play, she is all-embracing of ambitionindeed, upon reading MacBeths letter, she complains about his nature andinaction          Yet do I fear thy nature,          It is too full o th milk of human kindness
Roy Wilkins and the NAACP: A Life Dedicated to the Civil Rights Movemen
The life of Roy Wilkins is a story of one of the greatest civil rights leaders the United States has ever known. He was an underdog that came from lamentable dejectnings to become a leader of the NAACP, for twenty-two years. A true example of what someone can do if they dedicate their minds to it, no matter what color they are. To begin the journey through Roy Wilkins life, we will start with a little biographical information. Roy was born in St. Louis, Mo. On August 30, 1901, as the grandson of a slave. His mother died when he was three years old, so he and his sister were sent to live with their Aunt and Uncle in St. Paul, Mn. There they raised him in a low-income, integrated community. Although he was poor, he did attend integrated public schools in the city. later on graduating high school, Roy worked his way through the University of Minnesota, where he majored in sociology and minored in journalism. He had various jobs to put himself through college. He work ed as a redcap (a baggage porter), waiter, stockyard laborer, and a night editor. While in college he worked as the night editor (to help behave his way through) of the Minnesota Daily, the school paper and a black weekly, the St. Paul Appeal. After working all these odd jobs he managed to put himself through college. After graduation, he took a position as a journalist for the Kansas City Call, a black weekly paper. He stayed there for seven years, acting as managing editor from 1923 until 1931. Although the job at the Call was good, he left it in 1931 to join the NAACP as Assistant Executive Secretary, under Walter White, who was Executive Secretary at the time. In his new job, his first assignment was to investigate inconsistency on a federally funded flood project in Mississippi, in 1932. Due to his findings of discrimination at that project, he was successful in getting Congress to take action to stop its practices there. After a couple of years as Whites assis tant, in 1934 Wilkins seceded W. E. B. DuBois as editor of the NAACPs magazine, the Crisis. In that same year, he suffered the first arrest of his civil rights race. During a protest at the Attorney Generals office in Washington, D.C., they were there protesting to get the National Conference of Crime to add Lynching to their agenda of topics. He served as a consultant to the ... ...eir career after his. In a turbulent world, his non-violent means of gaining rights for blacks was a calming one. Works CitedAfrican-American History. Roy Wilkins (1901-1981). http// 27, 2000).Altman, Susan. The Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage. New York Facts on File, Inc.,, 1997.Colliers Encyclopedia. New York P. F. Collier, 1996.Encyclopedia Americana, International Version. Danbury, Conn. Grolier Inc., 1999.Encyclopedia of Black America. ed., W. Agustus Low, ass. ed., Virgil A. Clift. New York McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981.Hornsby, Alton, Jr. Chronology of African American History, 2nd edition. From 1492 to the Present. Detroit Gale Research, Inc., 1997.Ploski, Henry A. and Williams, James. editors, The Negro Almanac, A source work on the African American, 5th edition. Detroit Gale Research, Inc., 1989.The African American Almanac, 7th edition. ed., L. Mpho Mabanda. Detroit Gale Research, Inc., 1997.The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography. New York McGraw-Hill Inc., 1973.The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago World Book, Inc., 2000.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
In the world of philosophy there be many theorys that talk about the nature of man and substance. Right now in the world there are four theories that out show the other adepts. These theories are materialism/ physicalism, idealism, transcendental idealism, and dualism. Each one of these theories be in possession of good arguments that support their believes, but at the same time they also have their weakness. That is why none of these four theories plunder be taken off the list of the top 4. Because even though they have their own weakness they have their strong points that make u in a reason think about why that theory is the right one when it comes to the nature of reality and substance. Materialism has many meaning but in philosophy it does non mean that is a person that has many matters and that only cares about the material things. In the philosophical world this has a more deep meaning to it. In philosophy this is one of the four theories of the nature of reality and s ubstance. And the theory is that physical matter is the only reality and that all the things like feelings, mind and will can be explained as physical matter. This is basically the believe that everything known to men in this world is physical matter that all the things in sights do not exist because they have no physical propertys. The next theory is the theory of idealism. In a regular day basis idealism in basically the ideas that a person follows and believes in in his or hers entire life time. But in the philosophical world it has another meaning to it. In philosophy the meaning of this theory is that all the things in the world and everything that we believe in are part of our consciousness. That all the things even the physical parts are in a way formed from ... ...explained or can be proven that they do exist. Like for instance you cannot prove that there is such thing as a good because that is something like an image that the people have implanted on their mind. There is no proof that shows that there was a perfection that created the world and the universe that we live in. now why do I say this because according to the theory of materialism everything in this reality has to somehow have some kind of matter substance in it in order to be real. But a god is just a part of our imagination because it is something that we cant touch and it is something we cannot see. That is why this theory is stronger than its counterpart idealism. Because it is more realistic and it is more logical as to how it can relate to how we live. It is also a theory that can be explained and also it is easier to prove. And it is also better that the other 2.
Essay --
In the knowledge domain of philosophy there are numerous conjectures that talk about the nature of cosmos and substance. Right now in the world there are four theories that out show the some other ones. These theories are materialism/ physicalism, idealism, transcendental idealism, and dualism. Each one of these theories have good arguments that support their believes, but at the same time they also have their weakness. That is why none of these four theories can be taken off the list of the top 4. Because even though they have their own weakness they have their loaded points that make u in a sense think about why that surmise is the right one when it comes to the nature of reality and substance. Materialism has many meaning but in philosophy it does not mean that is a person that has many things and that only cares about the material things. In the philosophical world this has a more deep meaning to it. In philosophy this is one of the four theories of the nature of reality and substance. And the theory is that physical matter is the only reality and that all the things like feelings, mind and will can be explained as physical matter. This is basically the believe that everything known to men in this world is physical matter that all the things in imaginations do not exist because they have no physical propertys. The next theory is the theory of idealism. In a regular day basis idealism in basically the ideas that a person follows and believes in in his or hers entire life time. But in the philosophical world it has another meaning to it. In philosophy the meaning of this theory is that all the things in the world and everything that we believe in are expound of our consciousness. That all the things even the physical parts are in a way formed from ... ...explained or can be proven that they do exist. deal for instance you cannot prove that there is such thing as a good because that is something like an image that the people have implanted on their mind. thither is no proof that shows that there was a god that created the world and the universe that we live in. now why do I say this because according to the theory of materialism everything in this reality has to somehow have some kind of matter substance in it in order to be real. But a god is just a part of our imagination because it is something that we cant touch and it is something we cannot see. That is why this theory is stronger than its counterpart idealism. Because it is more realistic and it is more sensible as to how it can relate to how we live. It is also a theory that can be explained and also it is easier to prove. And it is also better that the other 2.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Is a good one
History Some can argue that the contend has been going on since world war 2, when Stalin cute the farm land In Ukraine and he had found many ways of obtaining their land such as starving the Ukrainian pack of intellectual nourishment till they died or gave up their land or they Just killed the villagers, since then there fuck off been many disputes amid Russia and Ukraine. Russia has always felt that they had a current cultural connection with Ukraine because when the Russian empire rose as a great empire its capital was in present day Ukraine. So It Is apprehensible that some of the Ukrainian people are ad at the Russians.But the more recent bout which Is still going on started because the east side of Ukraine (which Is the Russian speaking side, many of whom had voted for Hancock) think that Ukraine should not join the European union and protested Hancock removal. So then Russian leaders decided that they should intervene for the sake of Russian speaking Ukrainians, too the west side of Ukraine it seems like the Russian leaders are ignoring the valid reasons that Hancock was removed for. Some believe that Russian president Vladimir set Is using this conflict s a distraction from Russia slaking economy.Escalation Now there was a lot of increase in the violence when people started protesting against Russia. Between February 18 and 20, 103 people were killed and 1419 injured. The vast majority of Russians believe the Ukrainian military shot downplays Airlines flight MI 7, a new poll has shown, underlining how other than the tragedy has been presented in Russia than in the west. Cri misbegot status referendum 2014 was a referendum on the status of Crimea held on March 16, 2014, by the legislature of Autonomous Republic of Crimea as hygienic as by he local government of Soapstone, both subdivisions of Ukraine at the time.The referendum asked the people of Crimea whether they wanted to join Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimes status as a part of Ukraine. Presently Russia and Ukraine are trying to avoid a big war. So In the conflict life cycle, It Is between escalation and desolation and they are trying to avoid a deadlock. Deadlock but Russia is expecting a cessation treaty. Some 70% of the Russian march believed to have been in Ukraine have withdrawn back across the border, Ukrainian President flatulency Apprehension said, according to the national news agency Cruciform. This is another(prenominal) hope that peaceful initiatives have a good perspective, Apprehension is quoted as saying during a Cabinet meeting in Kiev on Wednesday. The remarks came several(prenominal) days into a shaky ceasefire deal between Ukrainian forces and pro- Russia rebels, signed last Friday after nearly five months of conflict in eastern Ukraine. The Presidents of Russia and Ukraine are broadly satisfied with the status of the ceasefire, a Kremlin aide said Wednesday. Russians president has said he is hoping for a peace deal between Ukraine and pro- Russian rebels by Friday.Vladimir pose urged both sides to stop military action in eastern Ukraine, adding that his views and those of his Ukrainian counterpart were very close. We can say that the conflict is De escalating from escalation. Insisting that Russia is in no way a negotiating party in the Ukrainian conflict, Vladimir Putting is nevertheless certain that it is Moscow proposals that are going to advance both sides to peace. Mr. Putting plan is short and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Take, for example, a point on moving Ukrainian troops away from positions from which towns and cities can be shelled.Taken to an extreme, this could mean rewinding the situation on the ground to a point several weeks ago before Ukrainian advances. Just two weeks ago the discussions centered around when, and not if, the rebels would have to move out of Donates and Alumnas. But Moscow plan will allow them to strengthen their control over the two regional centers and other areas. Mr. Putting has often seemed unwilling to negotiate from a position of weakness and the reversals of the past few days illustrate this perfectly. Now its Petrol Apprehension who has to choose whether to take to something which clearly protects Sieves enemies in astern Ukraine.Ukrainian government troops say they have repelled an attack by pro-Russian rebels on Donates airport. De escalation THE war in eastern Ukraine has quieted, for straightway. Its disparate factions have as much reason to keep fighting as to put away their guns. But a ceasefire signed on September 5th in Minsk is so far mostly holding. Ukrainian president, Petrol Apprehension, does not want to fight an unnamable war against Russia, which is the situation he would have been in had he pressed on with Sieves anti-terrorist operation in the east. His Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putting, is happy to seeDonates and Alumnas turn into breakaway territories that can serve as instruments against Kiev. Russian prime minister Dimity maddened has said the country will honor all its agreements with the European Union and Ukraine, but will trigger protective measures if a trade pact between the two comes into force early. The Nun and the end of 201 5 in a concession to Russia The Ukraine ceasefire might collapse any day. But if it sticks and the war ends here, it poses the question who win? In military terms, the answer looks clear Russian leader Vladimir Putting. In March, the Russian army seized Crimea.Last week, it routed Ukrainian forces in east Ukraine. Ukrainian president Petrol Apprehension asked EX. and Nato leaders for weapons. They said there is no military solution to the conflict. But Putting showed there is several thousand Russian infantry, fighting as formed units, supported by tanks and artillery. The Russian invasion and the lack of Western support is why Ukraine signed the Minsk protocol a 12-point peace plan last Frid ay (5 September). So what if Putting won Crimea and bits of Donates and Alumnas he lost the rest of Ukraine. Right? Russians attack has seen pro-Western feeling soar in the rest of the country.Polls now say Ukrainians want to Join Nato. They also say pro-Western parties will sweep pro- Russia MSP out of parliament in upcoming elections. It depicts the crisis in Putting own masculine terms. The truth is that everybody lost. EX. civilians (IMHO), 2,600 Ukrainians, and who knows how many Russians lost their lives. Ukraine lost territory. The EX. and Nato lost credibility. But Putting will go down in history as the biggest loser He lost the chance to make Russia, one of the worlds richest nations in terms of natural resources and culture, and Russians neighborhood into a decent place to live.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Addressing international legal and ethical issues-Introduction Essay
The cultural differences and the difference among the local and international laws atomic number 18 the influential factors tortuous in the international business partnerships. Confusing respectable values, different legislations, and conflicts surrounded by various interests are the factors which are to be taken into serious esteem. When a US familiarity enters in an agreement with a company located in another country, the level-headed enforceability of the ground of the rationalize must be ensured, with a foresight on any future eventualities.Apart from the legal aspects, there are various important factors link to the difference in ethical and cultural aspects between the two different societies. In the present case, CadMex pharma, the Florida based US pharmaceutical company is entering in an agreement with a Candore based biotechnology company Gentura. Candore is a country ruled by president Gwendoz, a dictator. Therefore the political and economic purlieu in that co untry is not as open as that of the US.See more Beowulf essay essayCadMex is a company with a global meet having business operations in about 127 countries. For the adopt between CadMex and Gentura the United States law must be made applicable. The companies from the member countries of WTO can opt for WTO as the forum for struggle settlement. However taking into consideration of the politically fragile situation in Candore, it is advisable to have a US based dispute settlement forum.Global marketing rights for Proprez, the medicine highly-developed by Gentura will be given to CadMex. In return the Gentura will get technology permit from CadMex. Contract for international sale of goods (CISG) can be considered as the best choice of law for CadMex, because the condorean regulations are relaxed only in the recent past afterward them entering into WTO very recently. From the point of view of CadMex, referring the cases to the US courts is considered preferable.But in this regard the agreement of Gentura must be obtained. In case of breach of contract it is better to get compensated through fiscal settlement. While two companies from different countries are entering into a contractual relationship, the international legal and ethical issues must be addressed carefully. Along with the legal issues, several aspects regarding the involvement of social, economic, political, religious, and cultural factors must also be taken into serious consideration.Addressing international legal and ethical issues-Introduction EssayThe cultural differences and the difference between the local and international laws are the influential factors involved in the international business partnerships. Confusing ethical values, different legislations, and conflicts between various interests are the factors which are to be taken into serious consideration. When a US company enters in an agreement with a company located in another country, the legal enforceability of the terms of the co ntract must be ensured, with a foresight on any future eventualities.Apart from the legal aspects, there are various important factors related to the difference in ethical and cultural aspects between the two different societies. In the present case, CadMex pharma, the Florida based US pharmaceutical company is entering in an agreement with a Candore based biotechnology company Gentura. Candore is a country ruled by president Gwendoz, a dictator. Therefore the political and economic environment in that country is not as transparent as that of the US.See moreCapital budgeting essayCadMex is a company with a global reach having business operations in about 127 countries. For the contract between CadMex and Gentura the United States law must be made applicable. The companies from the member countries of WTO can opt for WTO as the forum for dispute settlement. However taking into consideration of the politically fragile situation in Candore, it is advisable to have a US based dispute se ttlement forum.Global marketing rights for Proprez, the medicine developed by Gentura will be given to CadMex. In return the Gentura will get technology license from CadMex. Contract for international sale of goods (CISG) can be considered as the best choice of law for CadMex, because the condorean regulations are relaxed only in the recent past after them entering into WTO very recently. From the point of view of CadMex, referring the cases to the US courts is considered preferable.But in this regard the agreement of Gentura must be obtained. In case of breach of contract it is better to get compensated through financial settlement. While two companies from different countries are entering into a contractual relationship, the international legal and ethical issues must be addressed carefully. Along with the legal issues, several aspects regarding the involvement of social, economic, political, religious, and cultural factors must also be taken into serious consideration.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Person Who Has Succeeded In Life Essay
It is lunch hour. A large restaurant located in the tone of Kuala Lumpur city is packed with regular customers. Waiters and waitresses are busy serving the customers. Outside the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant is seen arriving in a luxury car. later on place his car, he enters the restaurant and starts mingling with the customers. The humble man is none other than my beloved grand sire. My grand catch is a man of little education. He comes from a lamentable family. After attending primary school, he had to stop schooling due to poverty.As the eldest son of the family, he helped his father at his stall merchandising cook out meats. Life was indeed difficult for him then. He had to get up early in the forenoon before dawn and go to the market unneurotic with his father to buy fresh chickens and ducks. Then, they returned home to slaughter them, prepare the meats and barbecue them. My gramps was extremely interested in culinary skills. As a teenager, he was a fast lear ner and was able to prepare the meats as well as his father before long. One morning, my grandfather woke up early in the morning as usual.He as essenceed that everything would go on smoothly but little did he know that he had lost his father. When he went to rouse his father up, there was no response from him. My grandfather panicked and called for an ambulance. When his father was sent to hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival by a doctor. My grandfather was totally devastated by the sudden demise of his father. In the midst of his sadness, he knew he had to find strength to carry on. To earn a living, he had no alternative but to take over the stall that his father left behind.Using the small savings that he inherited from his father, he keep with the business. He learnt about finance from his own experience and whatever he could recall when he was with his father. He led a frugal lifestyle and and pass money when it was necessary. He was so thrifty that when he got marr ied a few years later, his guests were only treated to rice and barbecued meats. He was expeditious and saved as much money as he could. He kept his savings in a bank. After a gallus of years, his labor and modesty finally paid off he had saved enough money to open a restaurant.Thanks to his excellent management skills that he acquired earlier, his restaurant prospered and his business expanded. Apart from selling barbecued meats, he also sold other food such as chicken rice, economical meals, dismal sum and a variety of noodles. Today, my grandfather is an extremely successful and well-established restaurateur. He often advises me to study hard and be a knowledgeable person in secernate to contribute to society in future. He also emphasises the virtues of diligence, frugality and honesty. I will not forget his advices for as long as I pop off because he is my role model.A Person Who Has Succeeded In Life EssayIt is lunch hour. A large restaurant located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur city is packed with regular customers. Waiters and waitresses are busy serving the customers. Outside the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant is seen arriving in a luxury car. After parking his car, he enters the restaurant and starts mingling with the customers. The humble man is none other than my beloved grandfather. My grandfather is a man of little education. He comes from a poor family. After attending primary school, he had to stop schooling due to poverty.As the eldest son of the family, he helped his father at his stall selling barbecued meats. Life was indeed difficult for him then. He had to get up early in the morning before dawn and go to the market together with his father to buy fresh chickens and ducks. Then, they returned home to slaughter them, prepare the meats and barbecue them. My grandfather was extremely interested in culinary skills. As a teenager, he was a fast learner and was able to prepare the meats as well as his father before long. One morni ng, my grandfather woke up early in the morning as usual.He assumed that everything would go on smoothly but little did he know that he had lost his father. When he went to wake his father up, there was no response from him. My grandfather panicked and called for an ambulance. When his father was sent to hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival by a doctor. My grandfather was totally devastated by the sudden demise of his father. In the midst of his sadness, he knew he had to find strength to carry on. To earn a living, he had no alternative but to take over the stall that his father left behind.Using the small savings that he inherited from his father, he continued with the business. He learnt about finance from his own experience and whatever he could recall when he was with his father. He led a frugal lifestyle and only spent money when it was necessary. He was so thrifty that when he got married a few years later, his guests were only treated to rice and barbecued meats. He w as industrious and saved as much money as he could. He kept his savings in a bank. After a couple of years, his diligence and modesty finally paid off he had saved enough money to open a restaurant.Thanks to his excellent management skills that he acquired earlier, his restaurant prospered and his business expanded. Apart from selling barbecued meats, he also sold other food such as chicken rice, economical meals, dim sum and a variety of noodles. Today, my grandfather is an extremely successful and well-established restaurateur. He often advises me to study hard and be a knowledgeable person in order to contribute to society in future. He also emphasises the virtues of diligence, frugality and honesty. I will not forget his advices for as long as I live because he is my role model.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Great Gatsby Review
The Great Gatsby Emerson said it well Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The tho sure gift is a portion of thyself (Peterson). The world is filled with cheapskates, phonies, and two-faced people. Many use others for their own benefits. Objects cannot define a blood it should be the feelings developed that defines the kindred of two people. The characteristic of materialism is a barrier for true bash between two people. This relates to Scott Fitzgeralds book, The Great Gatsby.Nick Carraway has just moved to a western Egg, and his mysterious neighbor is Jay Gatsby. Gatsbys long living dream is to rekindle his adore and relationship with Daisy Buchanan, who is currently get married to gobbler Buchanan. He attempts to pursue his relationship with Daisy through his unexplained wealth. However, their love couldnt be true because of their focus on things rather than each other. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald conveys that materialism can rail at the chance a t true love. Gatsby tries to make Daisy love him through his bullion and excessive spending on n whizzssential things.When him and Daisy first reconnect their relationship, he brings her over to his crime syndicate to show off the clothes in his closet He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and slow silk and fine flannel, which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray. While we admired he brought more and the soft rich heap attach higher shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, and monograms of Indian blue.Suddenly, with a strained sound, Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily (Fitzgerald 92). Gatsby is throwing his shirts everywhere to show that he is full of bills and that they dont mean much to him, acting like it doesnt matter if they get ruined. He does this to show that his money is plentiful and he tries to make Daisy emergency to be with him and his rich lifestyle. Daisy starts to cry because she is overwhelmed with his prosperity and shows how she starts to love him through his riches.Another way Gatsby tries to show off his wealth is by throwing a party and inviting Daisy and Tom, but at the end of the party she seemed apathetic. Gatsby noticed her weariness and was concerned, so he confided in Nick She didnt like it, he insisted. She didnt have a good time. He was silent, and I guessed at his unutterable depression. I feel far away from her, he said. Its heavy to make her understand (Fitzgerald 109). Gatsby implies that he threw the party so that she would enjoy herself and want to come back to him.He tries to make his life seem very extravagant because he knows that it is what she looks for in a lover. Gatsby becomes unhappy because she was unhappy with his party he feels that he must show off his money just to get Daisy to fall for him. Gatsbys secret is revealed f inally during a trip to the city he and Tom get into an argument and Tom discloses the truth. Gatsbys secret business of drug deals was the pedestal of his affluence.Daisy is shocked and doesnt know what to do as Gatsby tries to deny the facts It passed, and he began to talk excitedly to Daisy, denying everything, defending his name against accusations that had not been made. But with every joint she was drawing further and further into herself, so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no extended tangible, struggling unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the room (Fitzgerald 134). Daisy becomes reluctant to the fact that it was a fake fortune while Gatsby tries to cover up his lies.Although Daisy acted like she was in love with Gatsby before the incident, her feelings quickly faded as she realizes the truth. The money was the basis of their relationship and it was what held them together. Thi s proves how their relationship was based off of money and how Daisy immediately forgot about how in love they were. This motif of materialism is explored because it shows how love cant be genuine if it is based off of inanimate objects and money-oriented things. Myrtle is freelance(a) when she goes for the men with money and pretends to be in love with them.In New York City with Tom and Nick, Myrtle explains to her friends how she felt about her new marriage with George and her realizations I married him because I aspect he was a gentlemanI thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasnt fit to lick my shoe (Fitzgerald 34). Myrtle married him because she thought he came from a wealthy family, breeded, or born, into money. When she found out he wasnt rich, she knew she had made a mistake in marrying him. Myrtle is materialistic because she didnt marry George for love, but for wealth.Myrtle tells about the day she found out he wasnt rich and admits to her regrets in marrying him. Myrtle was not expecting it The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebodys silk hat case to get married in, and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out (Fitzgerald 35). Myrtle finds out that George had borrowed someones suit to use during their wedding because he couldnt afford one on his own. This shows the love that George has for Myrtle and how he goes far to make sure she gets the best wedding ever.It also shows how Myrtle doesnt love him, and how was judging him for borrowing a suit. Myrtle is materialistic because she got upset over a suit cosmos borrowed and not purchased for their wedding. Myrtle and Toms relationship is materialistic. While in NYC, Myrtle gets Tom to buy her a dog off the streets I want to get one of those dogsI want to get one for the apartment. Theyre nice to havea dog (Fitzgerald 27). Myrtle asks for a dog and gets one because of Toms wealth and uses i t to her advantage. Myrtle takes Toms money for granted and pursues a relationship with him because she knows he is rich.Her materialism is shown through her fake relationships with Tom and George it reveals that she only has relationships with wealthy men and she was not really in love with either of the two men. Her materialistic needs clashed with her path to finding love. This motif of love is explored because it shows how people in this world use others for their money. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald shows that a materialistic mindset will corrupt the chance at true love. Gatsby time-tested to get Daisy to love him again by showing off his money and failed because he didnt put his heart and self into their relationship.Myrtle mistakenly married a man whom she thought was wealthy and turned out he was poor. She quickly regretted their marriage and had an affair with Tom Buchanan, a well known rich man. Fitzgerald demonstrates how no(prenominal) of these relationships worked o ut because of the materialistic ways of these characters. This motif is explored because it proves how true love isnt real with fake values. True love should be two people who love each other unconditionally and is not based on money-oriented things.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Big Foot Research
Cornell Notes Topic Sasquatch Page _1 & 2_ of _5_. Lesson 21 Monster Research Main Idea Origins of the Sasquatch. Where they are. What they eat. Any p lossators? * Notes Sasquatch, in addition known as Bigfoot, is an ape-like creature verbalize to live in the United States and Canada. Although sightings contain been reported in numerous states, most reports come from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Numerous Bigfoot sightings claim also been reported in British Columbia, Canada. In Wisconsin, the Lakota Indians call the creature Chiye-tanka, a word meaning Big Elder Brother. Sasquatch is described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid. Many people think that Bigfoots relatives can be found in different areas of the world under different names, such as the Yeti in Nepal and Tibet. The Sasquatchs footprints can be twenty-four inches long and up to eight inches wide. People who have reported seeing a Sasquatch, that in addition to resembling an ape, it has large eye s and facial structures that bear a resemblance to a male gorilla. The most common color of a Sasquatchs hair is black.However, some(prenominal) colors have been reported such as dark brown, reddish brown, light brown, gray, and in rare instances, white. Most sightings have reported that the hair on Sasquatch is quite wiry and appears to be matted to the creature. Sasquatches are foragers. A few cases to support this statement are that they have been seen washing and eat wild onions in a stream. Crouching over a water hole washing edible grass roots. There were two piles, one washed and the other unwashed. Walking finished a forested area stripping spruce buds off the trees and eating the seeds. It would also pull gloomy branches to eat the buds.Head lights of a car caught a Sasquatch eating apples in front of a house. Many trees had the fruit stripped off higher than a human could reach. Stealing corn and turnips from a vegetable garden, chickens and turkeys also missing. A be dding area was found in an abandoned mine shaft, there were many brussel sprout stalks were found near the entrance. A thousand 16 inch tracks were found, they showed a Sasquatch stripping the bark from trees to look for insects. Two deer hunters witnessed two dark brown Sasquatches 7 to 9 feet tall reaching down under rocks to find insects and worms.Two Sasquatches in a creek turning over rocks and eating something, possibly insects or small fish. A witnessed an animal digging up clams on the shore. They shot at it thinking it was a bear it stood up, screamed and ran away on two legs. Twenty people on two mercenary fishing boats approached the shore, a Sasquatch on a mud flavorless stood up and ran away. They checked the spot where the creature stood and realized it was digging clams. Two adults and one teenaged witnessed digging up hibernating ground squirrels and feeding on them. Scavenging on road kill.Stealing game animals from hunters. Stealing fish from nets. The list goes on. As you can probably affect they have no predators. Cornell Notes Topic Sasquatch Page _3 & 4_ of _5_. Main Idea Body structure. Sightings. Proof? Any attacks on humans? How long have they been around? Notes over the last two hundred years there have been thousands of reported sightings of Sasquatch and Possibly thousands of unreported sightings as well. Hundreds of footprints have been found and cast all over North America. Wide shoulders and a deep chest.Arms are longer than legs and hang down below the knee. Short thick neck or the appearance of no neck. This is due to the fact that the spine connects to the back of the skull and the Trapezius muscles are more developed. Pointed head, a unique anatomical characteristic of the Gorilla. This is attributed in the adult male to a prominent sagittal crest overlaid with a pad of fibro fatty tissue. This characteristic is less pronounced in females and smaller bodied adult males. Extreme muscularity. Broad, flat face. Jaw tha t protrudes beyond the nose.This anatomical feature (prognathism) is distinctly ape-like. Prognathism is due to the need for large jaws and teeth for mastication. Brow-ridges, above the eyes is a huge shelf of bone. pilus color is most often described as light brown, dark brown or black. Other colors that have been reported are grey, light, white, silver-tipped, and red to reddish-brown. Hair length is longer on the head, shoulders, and arms, than anywhere else on the body. Hair distribution, body is completely hair covered except for patches of bare black cutis on the face, chest, soles of feet, and palms of hands.There have been reported attacks on humans but they cannot be proved. Stories of an ape like creature roaming the forests of North America have been around as long as some of the Native Americans tribes started in certain areas, due to the finding of cave painting of sasquatches. However, the earliest written account was made in 1811. Cornell Notes Topic Sasquatch P age _5_ of _5_. Main Idea Life span. How do they survive in the winter? * Notes Based on Bigfoot sightings, researchers believe that Sasquatch does not migrate utmost distances.They do shift their patterns of movement and can move deeper into forests when they need to. Researchers concluded this by the fact that there are less Bigfoot sightings in the winter. Their life foretaste is right around 50 years. Summary/Questions All of this information is very useful and will help me a great deal. All of my questions were answered. I have more than enough information to do a research paper on the Sasquatch. cryptidz. wikia. com/wiki/Sasquatch www. exploringtheunexplained. com/sasquatch. htm www. bigfootproject. org/articles/eval_sas_photos. html sasquatch. net/
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Significance of Plastics
Significance * Plastic bags are not renewable, which means they cannot be easily recycled uniform paper bags. They are made of petrochemicals, which is what makes them non-renewable and a risk to the health of the planet. They last for hundreds of years, all the while doing damage to natural habitats and killing animals that mistake them for food. The more moldable bags people phthisis, the greater the chances of environmental damage. Effects * If not carefully disposed of, plastic bags can be devastating to animal life.DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and inelegant Affairs) reported that 1,678,900 tons of plastic packaging was in the UK waste stream in 2001. Because plastic bags do not decay quickly, they stay in environments longer, create more build-up on the natural landscape than a more degradable material like paper would. The Marrickville Council reports that over 100,000 whales, turtles and birds die every year as a result of plastic in their environment. Suffocati on * Infants and young children have died as a result of playing with plastic bags.Every year, the Consumer Product Safety kick receives about 25 reports of plastic bag-related infant death. Because of the thin, airtight material, infants can easily block their mouths and nostrils with the plastic bag and suffocate. Prevention/Solution * Abstaining from plastic bag use as much as possible will reduce the chances of accidental infant death, and it will reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment. A plastic bag is also reusable, though. It does not necessarily have to be thrown away after a single use.Try to use separately plastic bag for as long as possible. This will help reduce the number of plastic bags in circulation. Expert Insight * Some experts urgency to ban the use of plastic bags entirely. Los Angeles has passed recommendations that will make them illegal in supermarkets by 2012. The British government sees plastic bags as a symbol for a throwaway society. They claim, Plastic bags are a significant cause of litter. Most of the rest of the 13 billion bags used each year end up in landfills. Alternatives to Plastic Bags * Canvas bags are a smart alternative to plastic.Canvas can be washed and reused, and lasts up to 10 years on average. Bringing a few canvas bags with you to the store will greatly reduce the number of plastic bags in the environment. Paper bags are not as beneficial for the environment as canvas bags, but they are recyclable. Infants cannot suffocate on paper bags either. If youre creative, you can make an old plastic bag into an arts-and-crafts stomach (see Resources). Read more Disadvantages of Plastic Bags eHow. com http//www. ehow. com/about_5072695_disadvantages-plastic-bags. htmlixzz1iCJusfTm
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Telephoneââ¬Ã¢¢s Influence on Society
Over the centuries, people have been striving towards a fast, reliable delegacy of intercourse. At first, those gaps were bridged with language, usable in baptistry-to-face encounters and then written language, which could be transported over vast distances, though the timeliness of the message left something to be desired. approximately civilizations used methods other than written languages to communicate messages accurately across long distances. Perhaps the most famous example would be the Incans of South America. When one village had to deliver a message to another village, several colored pieces of string would be knotted in a specific pattern then visitation to the neighboring village to deliver the message. Other peoples simply used oral messengers to carry the communication to others.Again, the problems with these systems were two-fold. If one simply sent a messenger, the communication could worry lost in the traveling process, and if one sent some sort of written mess ages, those devices could easily be misplaced. Also, these methods relied on the speed of the messenger, which could vary, and the distance the message had to travel. For instance, in the War of 1812, the English and Americans signed the Treaty of Ghent in late 1814, effectively ending the conflict. However, it took six weeks for word to reach the capital of the United States and fifty-fifty longer for it to reach the outlying cities. Because of this, the bloody Battle of New Orleans occurred after the treaty had been signed, costing the British armed forces over 2,000 lives.Obviously, the need for instant(prenominal) and accurate communication was reaching a paramount level with civilizations being spread across such vast distances. The telephone, invented by Alexander Graham buzzer in 1876, solved this problem by transforming human speech into a series of electrical signals that could be sent very much like a telegraph, though on different wires. This invention took quite a whi le to catch on as the now popular telegraph system had a stable infrastructure already in place. However, the benefits of instantaneous, clear communication eventually outweighed the convenience of the existing infrastructure, and the telephone became the preferred means of communication across distances. originally the telephone, people generally communicated through written prose, usually some type of letter or other document. Although the telegraph did much to speed up the communication process, it was still too cumbersome for everyday use and was not something that normal people used to communicate with their friends and family. Long letter were the norm, with face to face rival being preferred with neighbors unless there was some sort of dispute to work out. Men and women also spent much more time in face to face communication when catching up with the neighborhood gossip. Local clubs and gathering were often hot spots for these exchanges.The telephone made these interactions at once more personal and yet more distant. People were able to communicate instantly (at least they were by the 1960s when telephones were in more than four out of cardinal American homes) and cost-effectively. For exchanges that took place over great distances, this was quite an advantage, as the news reaching these people was no longer outdated. But it also brought a gradual reduction in the time spent in face to face contact with neighbors or other local peoples.The telephone gradually morphed into many forms involving both(prenominal) wired and wireless technology. From the phonograph to the dial phone to the Iphone these innovations have become almost central to everyday life of modern Americans. And without these products, daily life would be much different, especially with the value people now place upon instantaneous information. This sort of communication is now central to most civilizations, and it would be impossible without the go of the telephone.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Proposal: West Parking
Contents Introduction2 worry2 Objectives3 Solution4 Doing Nothing4 facility particular merchandise lights4 Hiring an extra place provide to coordinate barter over-crowding5 Improving compass north and West place5 Methods6 personify8 Benefits9 Conclusion10 References10 Introduction We propose to expand the West and North position tons of the UAA main campus to greatly reduce trade congestion, to save condemnation for students and staff, and to process decrease automobile accidents. Problem The UAA main campus is a commuter to more than than 15, 000 students (Common data from UAA).The countless number of fomites commuting to and from campus creates craft congestions and is desperately in need of more set spaces. Lack of adequate to(predicate) viriditying space for students and staff run through negative impacts * Road rage. The survey given in 2008 to UAA students reported that frustration due(p) to congested traffic resulted in unsafe driving practices. Much co uld have been prevented if there were enough set spaces for the vehicles that enter campus lay. * Tardiness.Delays due to finding position space argon direct consequence of students and staff being late for classes. Estimated time to find place space may take up to 20 minutes (2008-UAA students survey). People usually experience spicy stress level due to frustration of finding place space. Tardiness may have a direct effect on students performance in classes (University of Washington MDJ). * unlicensed use of position. UAA students admitted to have used sparing infirmary, and Goose Lake parking due to lack of adequate parking spots on campus.This unauthorized use of parking is taking away the spots reserved for the infirmarys patient, and those reserved for recreational use in the park. * Outrageous Parking Fees. The unanimous survey in 2008 for students showed concern over increased parking fees every semester, yet still non enough parking uncommitted. This is a hot top ic next to book prices and spiking tuition. Students complaints are justified that if UAA is divergence to charge more for parking, then more parking spaces ordain also be required from the university. * ER ingress.Traffic created by students and staff vehicles at the main campus has negative impact for hospital emergencies vehicles. UAA main campus is located crossways the Providence Hospital, and interfering with littering the Providence Drive with students and staff vehicles may be critical of saving soulfulnesss life where minutes or even seconds are critical to ones rise up being. * Road safety. Students have reported and are concern about the pedestrian safety once they park the vehicles (2008 survey). There is no pedestrian pathway from the North and West Parking to campus buildings walking is on the street.Concerns are mostly in wintertime, (fall and spring semesters) where icy and snowy roads, and poor visibility is a road opine to moving vehicles and pedestrians. * Vehicle accidents. Department of Transportations (DOT) ranks the Providence Drive in top phoebe bird of hazardous locations. The propinquity of UAA and Hospital at Providence Drive and congested traffic at this area is responsible for high amount of automobile accidents ( consort to US. DOT Federal Highway Administration). Objectives To create a source for modifyd parking at UAA and traffic congestion problems issues must 1.Include a solid development plan that would advantage students, staff, and the UAA. The students and staff would greatly appreciate adequate parking spaces for their vehicle. UAA would positively gain revenue from parking fees. 2. batten that parking construction is developed on time and that students attending the following semester are non interrupted with constructions issues. 3. Ensure that pedestrians pathways are easily accessible from parking, thus greatly reducing chance of someone being send off by a vehicle. 4. Avoid new traffic congestions on Providence Drive due to parking construction.Solution There are several potential dissolving agents to the problems outlined early in the proposal. These resultant roles are * Doing nothing * Installing extra traffic lights * Hiring an extra parking staff to coordinate traffic congestion * Improving North and West Parking Doing Nothing This is the least effective solution to the existing problem. By doing nothing, we keepnot improve parking issues desperately sought by many students and staffs. The use of unauthorized parking in the property of Providence Hospital and Goose Lake lead likely continue.Road rage go out likely occur as it has. Issues of tardiness will continue if we do not take appropriate steps to solve it. By doing nothing we will not help to solve automobile accidents, impact road safety, or help with ER access (2008 survey, DOT). Installing extra traffic lights This next manageable solution is to install extra traffic lights. This whole tone of safety and co ordination of traffic would add benefit t a more regulated traffic flow, and improve the safety of the pedestrians crosswalks. According to Municipality of Anchorage (M. O.A), Traffic Department, Lance Wilber, said that the represent of lay traffic lights may be well over $700,000 per cross-section, depending on the location and construction plans involved. This solution seems otiose because it does not solve the pedestrians safety concerns over the crossing from the parking area to the campus buildings, nor solve the lack of available parking space. This solution contributes to solving some traffic congestion at campus, but better solution is needed. In addition, M. O. A advised against installation of new traffic lights since there are already five in place at the Providence Drive.Hiring an extra parking staff to coordinate traffic congestion Hiring an extra parking staff could be a reasonable solution for traffic congestion at campus. This solution requires hiring of twelve in dividuals for North and West Parking, for coordinating traffic at the busiest time mornings and late afternoon. The vehicles entrance campus would be guided to available parking and pedestrians safety could be looked after. According to Parking Services, estimated cost for an extra staff and equipment on annual basis would amount to over half a gazillion dollars.However, this would not help eliminate vehicle traffic at Providence Drive in fact, traffic congestion would likely be worse than it is now. Parking Services, advised against hiring an extra staff to help coordinate traffic due to lack of budget. Improving North and West Parking The best solution to the problems outlined earlier in the proposal is to improve the largest parking on main campus, which is the North, and West Parking. These hold the largest accommodation of parking lots, and are easily accessible from Providence Drive, Lake Otis Parkway, and UAA Drive-Mallard Lane.For its convenience of being accessible to the main campus and having closing curtain proximity to 13-UAA buildings, and short walking distance to other facilities, the North and West Parking is the best panorama and that needs improvement. The advantage to this solution is that it would effigy the available parking spaces. By creating more space, vehicles would move fast-breaking to and from campus creating less congestion on busy Providence Drive. Improvement to existing parking would add walkways to help cross over going to the campus, thus greatly improving road safety for both the vehicles and pedestrians.Vehicle accidents, road rage, and ER access would be improved since the congestion on Providence Drive would be minimized. This solution would favorably affect the issues with tardiness and positively solve the unauthorized use of parking at Providence Hospital and Goose Lake. The cost of this propose is approximately set at 2 million dollars per parking, according to Chris Nowak at Affordable Construction, and Stan Vanover-UAA Project Manager. While this may seem expensive at jump glance, it is the best solution for improvement.A solution with traffic lights and hiring extra staff to control traffic congestion does not adequately terminus solving the problems. The only cheaper solution to improving parking is to do nothing. However, this solution though saves currency does not solve the students and staff issues, or traffic congestion, and will actually create more problems and complications in the future. The benefit for UAA for this project is that it would recover accumulated expenses from parking fees over 5-7 years (Parking Services), at the same time will solve the outlined problems.This solution is the answer to the described problems, and is reasonably cost effective. Methods Description of Project This project requires adding one more level to existing floor plan, example airport-parking style, without roof, with ramp access to another level. blurb level would have connecting stai rs and or elevator to first floor. The pedestrians pathways would be implemented between cerebrovascular accident parked vehicles for safe crossing. Easily accessible ramps would be used by snow removing vehicles during wintertime the first floor would be snow free.This project will ensure improvement in parkingdouble the available space, pedestrians and vehicles safety, and would reduce traffic congestion at Providence Drive due to faster revolution of moving vehicles. Pictures of North and West Parking. Note the hazardous road condition and lack of pedestrians walkways PARTIAL UAA CAMPUS MAP(arrows propose to proposed project area) Sample pictures of 2-story parking garage with access ramps. Cost The cost for this project has been estimated at 2 million for the North Parking, and 2, 2 million for the West Parking according to Affordable Construction.These costs take planning, materials, and labor. The planning include the cost of design, surveying, and appropriate permits f or the city of Anchorage building code. The materials and labor include the cost of all construction materials and labor needed to complete the project (including 4 elevators if needed). This estimate may alteration due to prices fluctuation for material or labor cost. Estimate is fairly set as of November 27, 2009. The estimator predicted the low of 4 million dollars to as high as 5, 2 million dollars for this project.Significant amount of money could be saved for material if ordered early in the year from lower 48, and shipped directly. Table 1. Cost Analysis Project Cost Total amount North Parking Planning $48000Materials $1280000Labor $672000 $ 2,000. 000 West Parking Planning $ 51000Materials $1410000Labor $739000 $ 2,200. 000 Contingency Fund $ 1,000. 000 Grand total $ 5,200. 000 Contingency Fund is set to a million dollars for the high end of the project. Ensuring early material ordering will significantly reduce this expense. duration required and record for Project Com pletion Planning of project can begin early January 2010. The actual construction should come out of the closet early May at the end of spring semesterto ensure completion by the end of August, remediate on time when the fall semester begins. Construction project should take 110-120 days, ensuring as little as possible interruption with students vehicle traffic. The impact on the construction and students should be minimal as fewer students attending UAA during summer. To better illustrate time allotted for the construction, beguile refer to Table 2.Information for the time and construction was provided by Stan Vanover, Sr. Project Manager, for Construction at UAA. Table 2. Construction & Planning Project Task Time allotted in days Schedule North & West Parking Improvement Planning beginsContractors BidsConstruction begins 4045110 01/4/201002/20/201005/10/2010 Project Completion 08/30/2010 Benefits Reasonable cost, attracting revenues * Cost for this project is fairly priced ac cording to UAA Project Manager. UAA will collect for parking fees and multiply revenues. Traffic congestion alleviated * Improved parking will double available space.This would mean less traffic at the Providence Drive, and smoother vehicle transition to and from campus. Pedestrians and vehicle safety improved * Walkways for pedestrians inside the campus will increase safety. Road hazards, such as the snow and ice would be eliminated on the first floor of parking, thus enhancing pedestrians and motorists safety. Conclusion Despite our scotch downturn, colleges in the United States reporting increase in attendance and ever-rising tuition fees. UAA is a home to more than 15 000 students annually in 2009 UAA reported over 1000 students more than previous year in attendance.We believe that proposed solution to parking improvement is an excellent way to reduce traffic congestion, pedestrians, and motorists safety, and provide adequate parking spaces. We look forward to making UAA a safe r, well-developed campus. If there are any questions you may have, please contact us at your convenience. References 2008 survey, Campus Commuters Statistics can be found at http//www. uaa. alaska. edu/opra/upload/Common-Data-Set-2008 Department of Transportation, vehicle accidents statistics can be found at http//safety. fhwa. dot. gov/hsip/fivepercent/2008/08ak. htmUAA Parking Services comments can be found at http//www. uaa. alaska. edu/parking/, 907. 786. 1119 Lance Wilber, Municipality of Anchorage, information on traffic lights can be found at http//www. muni. org/Departments/traffic/engineering/Pages/Signals. aspx Information on cost analysis, construction, and planning for the project can be found from Stan Vanover, aged Project Manager UAA, Department of Facilities, Planning, and Construction Information on project cost estimate can be found from Affordable Construction, Chris Nowak, 907. 245. 5722, 20907 Turnagain St, Anchorage
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Introduction to Management
Louis dismission is one of the most valuables check off in its category which is high life in goods. Its products includes of leather goods, handbags, trunks, shoes, watches, jewelry and accessories. Most of people adorned with the LB monogram which designed by well cognize designer and easily noticeable with simple live style as the idea. Louis Button with a imperfection Value of $28. 4 Billions in USED with a sales of $9. 4 Billions (Reuters, 2013). 3. Country Background Louis Button headquarters is located in Paris, they had open many outlets all around the world and capital of capital of Singapore prolong 3 big outlets and the latest which located inMarina Bay Sands that open unique island memory board that impart float on the water. Singapore its a developed ground which also attract tourist from an new(prenominal)(prenominal) countries to come to visit as a traveler as well as shopper. The three outlets set up be found in Tasmania, ION and Marina Bay sands. 4. SOOT A nalysts Soot analysis are the shorten rowing of Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and terrors. SOOT analysis are mainly characterd for a smart set to build their outlets/factory in overseas to extend their products and profits. 4. Strength Brand Value ( the brand is one of the oldest fashion houses with much than one hundred fifty ears) Easily recognizable (the logo and monogram) The brand has it own outlets in most of the large shopping center. wellspring known Designer Custom Tailored useable for elite customers 4. 2 Weakness The Shops only available in exclusive stores making it difficult for developing countries The most expensive price compare to other competitors Rarely to give discounts to customers 4. 3 Opportunities The company needs to make new current fashion trends gigantic market for luxury goods Celebrity attractions Synergy between brands/ compoundr 4. Threats Financial crisis Competitors Increased market for bullshit products Resources are decreasing . PES T analysts 5. 1 Political and legal The anti-counterfeiting handle agreement (ACTA) aims to establish and multinational legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods. Where as in Singapore has occasion one of the biggest shopping country in Asia, furthermore Singapore is a Bureaucratic country and extremely centralized, with 17% corpo estimate tax, little tax regimes investors are not subject to capital gains tax, dividend tax, and foreign ex castrate controls (Merger, 2013).On august 9 1965 Singapore became and independent nation and consistently increased their economy, by maintaining their productivity with a stable overspent and has severe laws in place and due to strict governance and associated fines less corruption, efficient and transparent government. Singapore has ranked the inaugural in the global enabling trade index and 18 FAT with trading partners in their trade policy. Singapore itself moderate a strong economy statistics. It was volumeed and the data shown a s interest consecrateO. 2%, Growth rate 6. 90%, Jobless Rate 2. 10% and GAP per Capita $37,293 (Merger, 2013).This massive record shows that Singapore have strong basis economy in their government. Louis Button with a sales of 7. 2 billions in 012 were involved in Singapore Trade to GAP ratio of 270. 8%, and high habituation on global market trends and fluctuations in macro economy. Singapore citizen with excellent education and healthcare (Saurian C, 2013). Literacy rate of 92. 5% and a multitasking language where they lived as a multinational country that supports every citizens to speak 2 languages, as their mother tongue is Mandarin or English. A signifi discharget percentage of non-residents who lived in Singapore with a Gin coefficient index of 48. Shows that Singapore can easily adapt with foreign where the employee of the company can interact with customers behavior and promote their products relay on their cultures behavior and difference. In the last tens of years ago, e ngineering in Singapore has a massive evolved of their needs. The growth of technology helps Louis Button to communicate with their headquarters, due the change of currency, products release, transactions and supports more efficient. Furthermore it give a huge impact for both companies and countries to safe their generation to manage their needs.Whereas Singapore had become a developed country the change of technology to renew their materials use its not problem for them to follow the world trade business. 6. Porters Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis 6. 1 Threat of New Entrants Low Competitor GUCCI, Yves Saint-Lauren, Channel, Bally. Jewelry Montanan, Bulgaria, Carrier, Office Pannier. Even though levy have a strong many competitors Luxury goods, bill offer a strong and unique in their products such as high quality products, well service for every customers and brand value.Furthermore, LEVY has no worries with their competitors they have a loyal customers who always bought t he products and advertise to their friends, longstanding commitment to quality and Investment inevitable would be extremely large for those who do businesses. Besides that for a new goods brands wont give an impact to LEVY (Dang, 2013). 6. 2 Bargaining Powers of Suppliers For a big company LEVY have a Suppliers and subcontractors are required to comply with strict environmental guidelines.Where LEVY needs lots of materials they testament have many offers which the company produce the materials with the lowest deals and highest quality needs (Dang, 2013). 6. 3 Bargaining Powers of Customers With branded name and value customers had become the most loyal of companies buyers, from the experience that they ever had, has build the trust and set their mind become a loyal buyer. Fashion is a trend with a strong name LEVY has put their products into the extend levels and Louis Button products are never on sale. 6. 4 Threats of Substitute Products High profile luxury goods LEVY brands hav e high quality products differentiations and believe. . 5 Rivalry Among Competitors Moderate In every company allow always have their own competitors in this case LEVY are working in Luxury industries in a big scale to have an competitors will always be a official things to brought new ideas and trends, in fact competitors do not sell exactly same products and different brand value (Dang, 2013). To make LB more appealing to the consumers, some products of the brand can be do available only in small quantities, by limiting its production of certain products from time to time, or producing special edition of the same handbag in different markets.LB product could become even more premium, Create products for collection of limited editions, expend the trend by increasing the popularity by advertisement. Open their outlets store only in high end malls all around the world. To become more premium in their products LEVY may consider to concentrating its equines model to production of le ather goods only becoming specialist in their interest. Louis Button is one of the leading fashion trends industries in the world which has significant every year.Louis Button will always have their loyal customers where they bought their new products, with a strong brand value LEVY has no worries with their competitors. On the other hand due the change of time they have to consider with their resources that year by years will decreased their materials. Louis Button shall put more concern on their weakness in both internal and external put them in the Geiger level of luxury goods market. They may consider to merge with other company in different products offer to increase and fasten their sales.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Food and Money Essay
Why did Huang Tsung-hsi see the well-field system as a foundation of a renewed Chinese culture and a unchangeable political state? The well field was the shopping center of a plot of land divided into 9 sections. Eight families farmed the plot each held one of the sections and the primaeval one belonged to lord of the whole plot. Why? The well-field system is believed to be the most ideal arrangement mingled with landowners and tenants.Under this system, the families occupying each of the eight fields will befriend each other, cooperate in guarding the crops, train each others back in case of danger, and rescue one another in times of trouble and illness. This system promotes harmony and equal treatment by the landlord. The burden of taxation is in any case distributed evenly among the families. Huang Tsung-hsi saw this system as the foundation of a renewed Chinese culture and stable political state because, as a follower of Mencius, he advocated that rulers must rule their sub jects justly and well.Huang Tsung-hsi abhorred egotistical autocratic rule. If a ruler promotes equal distribution, people will not be afraid of acquiring poor. If the people are assured of their just treatment, there will be peace in a society. Once people are content, government will not fail. In Ibn Khalduns analysis of Muslim society, did group feeling function in the same way as the well-field system did for Huang? In Ibn Khalduns analysis of Islamic society, he defined group feeling as subordinating of an undivideds personal needs to that of the interest of the group.He argued that if an individual wont prioritize the group, there would be no peace and social development. Comparing this with the well-field system, I should say that in a way they are the same. The same because both systems promote solidarity and cooperation to achieve a purpose. In the well-field system, it can be assumed that individual needs are secondary in relation to what is best for the group.Works Cit edSwann, Nancy. Food and Money in Ancient China. Princeton, 1950.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Food Adultration Essay
The Objective of this project is to study approximately of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. Adulteration in food is ordinarily present in its most crude form prohibited substances ar either added or part or wholly substituted. Normally the contamination/adulteration in food is d nonpareil either for fiscal gain or due to carelessness and lack in proper hygienic condition of processing, storing, dose and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either inventioned or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and their gist on health.THEORY The increasing number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mis malarkey and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration a re very difficult. The intellect of consumers would be crucial. Ignorance and unfair market behavior may endanger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening, tests for their detection. In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems.Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases like cancer, diarrhea, asthma, ulcers, etc. Majority of fats, oils and butter are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chilli powder is complex with brick powder and pepper is mixed with dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily identified by simple chemical tests. several(prenominal) agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK acronym for agricultural marketing .This plaque certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Ways to Help the Poor.
There are different ways to address poverty and one of them is almsgiving which means simple response to immediate need and specific lines. No one set up truly eliminate poverty, but we each can do our part to reduce it around us expert by starting in our community, or by starting in a local sustenance bank that provides a necessary service for persons, who for whatever reason cannot afford a meal for themselves and their love ones. Home for the Homeless were we can provide meals, clothing, laundry service and a resource center both free of charge.Most important is help them with learning because more than one in ten children living in the increasing world never gets the chance to go to school, in that case what we can do is effectuate scholar ships programs, and also once in school, children need to be guaranteed of a safe environment alter them to understand their potential and why it is import to learn, like classroom construction, growth and supply of equipment because b asic education, gives lot greater money-making opportunities and empowers them to lead healthier and more useful lives.The other way to address poverty is kindly justice which means ensuring those in society that they can fulfill their basic needs. The first thing we can do and a solution for all is to ask the government to glower the taxes. If taxes are lower thus there would be more help for the poor because there would be more business and involvement opportunities available for them to get a descent paycheck every week to feed, and cloth their family. You might be asking, why do I have to help the poor?Well children as they grow up in poverty, it seems more likely to have poor health care later in purport when compared to those children who are not poor. When compared to non-poor children, children in poverty are somewhat more likely to have lower income and are a bit more likely to engage in crime. Another reason is because youre helping them achieve their potential, so t hat they can contribute to the economy by improving their own situation and also when you help one you help God as well as if one automobile trunk suffers we all suffer with it.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Effects of Biblical Violence on Readers' Behaviors Essay
The Effects of Biblical Violence on Readers Behaviors - Essay ExampleAlthough studies from the American Academy of Pediatrics give a low rate on the effects of music on listeners behaviors, that lyrics ar generally non given much attention or in the case of children, argon not fully understood because of their limited understanding and experience, researchers are open to the idea that somehow songs paint a picture certain undesirable legal actions. In a world where violence abounds, it is not a wise action for a person to isolate himself or for reboots to isolate their children only to avoid the unholys of this world. It is then important for any individual to educate mavens self and others about the consequences of a certain thought or action. For instance, the last lines of the aforementioned psalm speak about revenge to those who have done the Jews harm. However if one examines the verse closely, it is not the Jews who want to avenge themselves but that there would be anot her who would stand up against their enemies. This reveals their belief in the golden rule, that those who have wronged them will get their just punishments somehow. Such understanding could take place passel to avoid doing evil towards others. II Yes, the Liturgy of the Hours should include the end of Psalm 137 however it should be with the explanation or interpretation like that of St. Augustines, Origens, St. Ambroses and the like. The Bible could be interpreted literally and figuratively so it could not be treated similarly to lyrics of modern music where promiscuity and violence are explicitly expressed. As it is always advised by professionals in the case of children, parents should guide their children in the selection of songs they listen to and clearly explain to hem what is good and what is not. Indeed, words have psychological effects on people so that even adults should choose their songs or meditate on the good implications of the songs earlier than its evil suggesti ons. The Bible is actually full of stories of violence and promiscuity and surely, idol did not like such stories to be exposed just for the sake of telling a story about a person rather have been narrated along with the consequences experienced by the people involved. They seem to be words from a parent saying, Look, this is what happens to you if you do this and that. This world is full of so many evils and that is just the way the God of the Bible wants people to look at it so that they would know how to prepare for the dangers they face each day. Therefore, preachers should do likewise, presenting all the truths and not just the things people want to hear from them. They have to send the people from the church to the world, armed with the inevitable attitude and words of guidance that will keep them strong to avoid being involved in violent acts. III A group of students associated with campus ministry at CUA wants to have a liturgical service which includes a reading of Psalm 137, which they understand through the lens of St. Augustines interpretation Jerusalem represents the kingdom of God and Babylon represents the corruption of this world. Some students think the language at the end of Psalm 137 is too violent to be read or prayed, and point out that the Catholic Church has removed these verses from the Liturgy of the Hours.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Effective Distribution Strategy Wonderful Widgets Essay
Effective Distribution Strategy tremendous Widgets - Essay ExampleIt is also essential to understand the reason for approving or rejecting a reliable strategy in order to determine whether a unique advantage of the cost is overlooked. The more the age spent in selecting the distribution strategy, the less the costs the go with result incur after implementing the strategy. afterward evaluation of the above aspects, the best option for Wonderful Widgets is of import management strategy. Centralized distribution strategy refers to a way of organizing the products recipient from the suppliers of the company and the onward delivery of the products to individual branches since the company has multiple retailing operations. After implementation of the centralized management strategy, the deliveries from the company are delivered to a central place, in huge amount, rather of delivering to a specific branch. Loads are then transported to all branches, retailers, or customers. One of the most appropriate ways for Wonderful Widgets Company to address its current issues is through the reality of the central distribution center. From this distribution center, the distribution management will be able to make admission charge to all the products of the company. In addition, the distribution department will be able to ship the products to any geographical location of its choice in a timely style. A central management strategy will allow the company management to focus on the essential aspects of the company such as retail, instead of trying to find means on how to get the products to the customers.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Case Study 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
2 - Case Study ExampleTo stop this effect, Delta Grand peaceable has taken some measurable and actionable strategies. They are Awareness Generation New and existing clients hear value and service quality. In the case where most of the customers are from Japan, a country with strong incorporated culture, they need to be communicated and interacted in a proper way. Sales reps are trained and instructed accordingly in order to build awareness about the hotels services and value by building ain relationship between the company and the customer.Changing Room puts As Average Room Rate and Occupancy Rates are indirectly proportional to each other, a trade off moldiness be achieved between the two. Offering an draw and quarterive yet flexible room rates can attract prospective customers.Exploring New Market Potential Sukhumvit Micro market, the place where the hotel is located, is surrounded by different competitors. active corporate customers visit the hotels in a usual basis. The mar ket is saturated, and an increase in competition emphatically curb down the business. Therefore choosing new developing industrial sectors can lead to success.Targeting intermediaries Ground operators acts as a liaison between the hotel and the overseas holiday companies. Creating a good relation with these intermediaries results in advancement of hotels services and values by the ground operators operating at the bottom level.Alternative nestle As existing Airline Company is not going to extend its contract, the most working alternative way of doing business is by managing relation with others and set up negotiation with them. By negotiating with a prospective customer, existing business profile can be changed. For example- Previously it was at an average 850 baht per year from airlines industry, but after negotiating with another prospective client, the average is estimated to increase to a whopping 1200 bahts per iniquity per year.Yield
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Port Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Port Security - Assignment object lessonSince great numbers of trucks move in and out of demeanors it is easier for the terrorist to carry harmful things to the port vicinity. Some ports in addition have fishing and recreational boats that terrorists could single-valued function as an aid inperforming their terrorist activities. Terrorist can use the shipping system to import weapons of mass destruction and other hazardous materials. Even smuggling of forcefulness can be a thing of major threat. If terrorist attack the sea port with nuclear run out a large area can be destroyed.Seaports attack can cause local and foreign destruction as it is globally connected. As there is lot of embarkation and disembarkation happening in the sea ports it is difficult to detect mal practices. Radical elements can import biological and chemical weapons to destroy the unsophisticated which is a matter of great concern.The coast guards are the major unit active in the port area to maintain the security system. The security atmosphere at seaports remains uncertain because of port home remaining uncompleted and also due to leave out of proper co ordination in conveyance of information about threats. There is a wide range of vulnerabilities at seaports, including critical infrastructure such as bridges and refineries, shipping containers with unknown contents, and the enormous volume of foreign and domestic shipping business (Decker,2002).Ports operate in a complex mode transport system, and weak linkages between components may outcome higher vulnerability Large scale armed forces deployment would require to transport equipment needed by military heavily by sea .If the ports are attacked there could be a severe civilian occasion and they could lose time and also cargo. Since infrastructure is inefficient the full potentiality of deployment cannot be utilized. There is lack of central authority to monitor the activities of the personnel installed along the ports. More over during the course of deployment there can be non government
Saturday, May 11, 2019
How Far were the Parlements Responsible for Bringing About the End of Essay
How Far were the Parlements Responsible for Bringing About the subvert of the Ancien Regime - Essay ExampleThis essay declares that the rage of Parlements against the government, the economic collapse and the financial downturn of Frenchmen coat way for the commencement of revolution. All these events took rise during the regime of King Louis XVI, debilitating the extent of his influence on the masses. Amongst all these factors, the parlements owing to their contravention against the King, are considered to have cock-a-hooply led to the initiation of this revolution. This paper sheds loose on the extent to which the parlements could be held responsible for bringing about the end of the Ancien regime. It also illuminates the motivation that do the parlements to take this stance against the government particularly in the era of the King Louis XVI. This paper stresses that the magistrates of court having prominent authority during the Ancien regime were referred to as the Parlement . Doyle elaborates, the parlement of Paris was the highest court of appeal in a vast jurisdiction covering approximately one-third of the kingdom . Parlements were the magistrates assigned by the government to register any lawfulness passed by the ruler and also, generally, to provide judgments on the cases that were brought before them. This is not to be implicated that parlements were merely unofficial people working under the kings dominance. Rather, these happened to be noble and prominent figures of those times, highly view by the society as well as the government.
Friday, May 10, 2019
History of Perus Independence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
floor of Perus Independence - Research Paper ExamplePeru is an independent nation - a division of Latin the States that was separated during the Colonial period. The Colonial period which lasted for about 400 years laid the base for ontogeny and evolution of Latin America. Latin America was worst affected by the Colonial regimen undergoing some(prenominal) problems each mutilating periodically. The problems included evacuation of the internal population, replacement of power and as a result, development of the agricultural seemed to be a herculean task. The native sight were the ones who suffered due to the Colonial invasion. (Keen, 2007). Sanitation was not provided and accordingly new diseases started to spread taking a toll on the lives of the people. Floods and famines also contributed to the death of native people. plane the culture of Latin America underwent a complete change due to the zealous priests who opposed the native culture. Exploitation was felt more than the development of the country. This resulted in problems which later led to a situation where the people had to bring about a new change. Even the constitutional powers were under their control which modified the entire government. The Colonial history proved to be advantageous as well as disadvantageous to the natives. well-nigh of the colonial aspects helped in improving the identity of the nation and this helped the country to gain popularity among the other countries.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Business Environment And Strategic Management Essay
Business Environment And Strategic Management - Essay ExampleHowever, Nafeeseh and Al-Mudimigh (2011) argued that although engineering science has increased the utility and performance of the corporations, there also exists noteworthy threats regarding the security and privacy of information dual-lane over internet platforms. Kanet and Stlein (2010) observed that because of extensive competition in the international marketplace firms are essay to wince their operational expenditure and generate a cost competitive advantage. In this context, application of technology has improved the performance of the firms by reducing the manual work capital and time required for complementary the operational activities of business houses. For instance, with the help of production equipment firms trick accelerate their production process and also reduce the number of man-hours required. Similarly, ICT has helped in connecting the functions of the organizations with each other with aspects such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), client Relationship Management (CRM), etc (Qutaishat et al. 2012). The changes in the business environment have been largely accredited to the technological changes pickings place in the world. Hosman (2011) considered that technological inclusion in business firms is taking place at a rapid pace which has increased the frequency of changes being incorporated in the work structure of firms and can also hamper the performance and productivity of the business houses. There are arguments and counter-arguments regarding the role of technology in the corporate world.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Foreign Policy Decision-making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Foreign Policy Decision-making Process - Essay compositors caseMr. Lerman deputy of the National Security Council made the announcements. The decision was on political agenda for improving ties in the midst of Israel and Turkey and among all members of NATO at large. The person involved, are officials from NATO, Turkey and Israel and Turkey, Israel countries (Newsom 15).On the other hand, OPEC news recognizes the choice of Israel which celebrates its birthday annually on 25-26 of April despite facing a lot of criticism from members of the United Nations and in particular from Iran. This announcement was by a person who recognized the rejection the nation had been through though the Arabs considered this as irony. Making the decision to recognize Israel had been its ability to prove survival in tough times which leads to its lore as a perfect destination for people due to its friendly environment even on pressure. The decision was on national agenda which aims to promote the posit ive aspect to enhance Israel recognition by UN members. The nations involved are USA, Palestine with Arabian people. Part twoThe first opium war took place from 1839 to 1842 and it was among the Great Britain and chinaware. Treaty making before the governments of China and GB began in 1842 after the British discomfited the Chinese at the first opium war that led to the signing of the treaty of Nanking. Chinese negotiated treaties using the thirteen hongs before 1839. Country merchants were the middlemen used by the Chinese government to communicate with the British officials in either issue between the two governments. BEIC exploitation angered in George 11 who decided to go against the pull up stakes of his father. The Chinese meaning of Yi was mainly expressed as family digit coming first and personal name coming second and this was a believe that origin owes the bang-upest respect compared to personal status though in British interpretation of the cry Yi was different. It meant that personal name is more significant than family name (Newsom 22) The diplomatical place of Lord Napier has been significant to the Chinese and mostly, lord Napier William who his renowned for initiating a war in China after failing in his mission that involved making settlement with China which for expanding the British deals to inner(a) China. Lord Napier William is a person who fought for his country interest involving expansion of British east India company in China till his death thus he is a nationalist. Most of the countries that would have faced with a situation like of china would have reacted no differently as from the Chinese due to patriotism to protect their resources under all costs. These people were known as nationalists for the role they played during the opium war Lin Zexu, Charles Elliot, William Ewart. The word Yimu means a barbarian eye while in Chinese the same word meant outside principal. Lord Napier reacted to the Chinese repository by circulating leaflets in Chinese language to all Chinese in canton announcing about the British superiority that later led to a fight between British and Chinese officials though the British lost in 1834. This use of words like great is powerful and showed the power of British monarch and strength to conquer all nations. It sounded like a brat to Chinese after it denied the British settlements (Newsom 32). Bocca Tigris was a tactical situation as a nautical penetration to Guangzhou were several important first
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Customer relationship marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Customer kin marketing - Essay ExamplePractitioners and strategists some(prenominal) believe that in the current scenario of stiff competition and rivalry the only practical way of gain and convincing the customer is through CRM. Customer confidence in the companies can be regained by this method acting which is more(prenominal) personal and certainly more intimate than promotions. Products have become similar and homogenous and eventide the services provided are becoming standard practice as any new move is good substituted or copied by competition and effectively it looses its edge. In saturated and matured markets the problem is even more acute and schemes and loyalty programmes are so similar that customers find no novelty in them. thence Palmer (1998) is of the opinion that promotions are no more than an encouragement to customers to switch their loyalties.The foundation of Strategic Behavior speculation is that firms take specific actions, like developing objectives, im plementing goals, formulating strategies and using tactics, to augment their competitive position against rivals and thereby trespass on firm performance (Kogut 1998). Strategic Behavior Theory is also consistent with the strategic prime(prenominal) perspective (Child, 1972) in that it accepts that while a firms choice of strategies and tactics are guided by the out-of-door environment, they are not completely determined by it.Strategic Behaviour theory also explains that a firms choice of behaviour is related more to its strategies and goals and not so much to traffic costs. As a consequence firms try to build competitive advantage against their rivals by developing those strategies that endow them in favourable positions (Porter 1996). One such strategy is to build a more enduring relationship through Participatory Collaboration between stakeholders. Satisfaction is another human trait that will fiddle harmony in relations. Participatory collaborations will benefit in
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